
Nora Schultz
Norah Schultz: parrottree -- building for bigger than real

Norah Schultz: parrottree -- building for bigger than real
  • Norah Schultz: parrottree -- building for bigger than real
  • $ 20.00

    This exhibition marked Schultz’s first solo museum presentation in the United States, as well as the first show curated at the Renaissance Society by new Chief Curator and Executive Director, Solveig Øvstebø. The artist sources the materials she works with by scavenging around the site of exhibition. In this case, she manipulates found objects pulled from, among other places, the hardware store, the Renaissance Society basement storage, and a newspaper read during installation. She frees these “things” by disassociation, estranging them, removing them from their context so they can become: forms, colors, lines, themselves.

    The poster features photographs and texts by the artist.

    18 x 24", double-sided
    unfolded, shipped rolled
    [view PDF]

    Related exhibition: Nora Schultz, parrottree -- building for bigger than real (2014)
